Saturday, April 10, 2021

Week 1 with Jango

 Week 1 with Jango has been a time for "settling in" and bonding.   We know the "puppy stage" doesn't last long.  Though there are frustrating times (chewing on the legs of furniture and tennis shoes), there are more blissful times (puppy snuggles are the best!).

Connor stopped out to meet Jango (and also get his Easter treats!

He's such a good sport... he wore the ears for me! ha!
We made a conscious effort to get a lot of puppy pics taken.
Those sweet eyes melt our hearts!  What a little doll!
Sidenote: We took him to the vet two days after we'd picked him up.  He weighed 20 lbs!  That means he gained 6.5 lbs in two weeks.  Crazy!
Eric, who will be continually noted as "The Puppy Whisperer" has been the host of many a nap for Jango.  
The weather happened to be GORGEOUS this week, so we got to be outside quite a bit.  :-)
Eric had taken Jango to the shore line at one point, where he dipped his little paws into the water.  I think this little guy is going to be a good lake dog!  (I love this picture so much!)
Snuggles often turned into a threesome of Duven boys!  So sweet!
Jango met "Roomba"!  
And, during one of Ramsey's baths, he snuck in and wanted to play.  I nearly let him get in, but figured that could go wrong on so many levels!  And, Eric wanted to "keep the puppy smell" just a little while longer.  :-)

Other notables/milestones:  
Jango only had two poop accidents in the house (both on Day 2 - and we were literally 2 seconds too late putting on our shoes to get him out of the house).  Luckily, they were both on the hardwood floor  (good dog!!) and, since then, he goes to the door and whines when he needs to do his business.  

At night time, since Night 2, he does NOT whine to go outside in the middle of the night.  He SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT for over 8 hours (unlike Riggsy and Ramsey - God must've thought I deserved a break from all of that!).

Also since Day 2, he has fetched successfully and repeatedly.  Nice!
And, he "sits" on command.  :-)  Smaaaaaaaaart!

Love this little turkey!

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