Friday, January 28, 2022

Celebrating Literacy Week

 This week, Ramsey's school was celebrating Literacy Week.   To make things fun for the kiddos, there were fun dress-up days (neon/crazy color colothing day, pajama day, creator day - teacher, artist, etc, and favorite fairy tale character).

And, each evening, the kids were challenged to complete special tasks, then send their teachers texts and pictures.

Nightly Challenge #1:  Take a picture with a parent, reading a bedtime story.

Nightly Challenge #2: Build a castle at home. 
Nightly Challenge #3:  Take a picture of your favorite reading spot.

Nightly Challenge #4:  Send teachers things you can do to be kind.
Extra hugs. Call grandparents. Try to play with new kids tomorrow.

For each picture/text to teacher submission, kids' names were put into the pot to be drawn for prizes.
Ramsey won a fun game!
And, because he had completed all of the nightly challenges that week, he also won a copy of the book, "Reading Beauty".     Getting a copy of that book was his ultimate goal.  Score!

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