Saturday, January 1, 2022

Christmas & New Year's with Nana K

 Nana K had a rough few days.  She fell in her apartment in the middle of the night a few days ago.  After a friend found her (I had been unable to reach her, so got in touch with someone she knows) she was taken to the emergency room (I met her there) and then was admitted to the hospital.  She spent three days/two nights in there (mostly for observation) and got out on New Year's Day.   Ramsey visited her, holding her hand while she rested (he played Kindle).

When we brought her home, she was tired and very sore.  She was VERY LUCKY not to have broken any bones!  And, the doctor took her off a bunch of meds (which, incidentally, could have been part of the reason for her fall...?).
When we took her home, we took the opportunity to give her Christmas presents to her.
Up until a few days ago, Ramsey was still technically under quarantine, so the timing was tricky.
Sidenote: Mom, don't kill me for posting any pictures where your hair isn't "done", etc!!

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