Saturday, January 22, 2022

Ramsey's 8th Birthday Party

Today was the big day!!  BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!
This year, for the first time ever, Ramsey had a birthday party, with friends, at a non-resident venue.   
He chose to have the party at Allevity Entertainment.   Allevity has a myriad video/archade games, bumper cars, mini bowling, axe throwing (for those over 15 years of age), a climbing wall, air hockey, airball, laser tag, a place to get yummy food, plus prizes to boot.   

Ramsey had invited two good buddies from different schools, plus a number of classmates.  But, due to hockey and previous family engagements, only one of his classmates was able to attend (plus her older sister).  In all honesty, it worked out for the best! I had been worried that the two younger boys from other schools would feel awkward or not included.  
Pictured above are (L to R): Charlie M, Stetson F, Ramsey, and sisters Veda and Tage S.
Neighbor Ashton was able to come a few minutes later, right after one of two hockey games for the day.

We chowed down on pizza, then made our attention to cupcakes and singing the Happy Birthday Song for the Kid of the Day.
Ramsey insisted on a GROUP HUG before opening presents.
He received a lot of really nice gifts.  
He had a few rather exited moments.  
After gift-opening, it was game time!  The kids started out with the climbing wall.
Then, onto the ball pit/climbing jungle.
This is one of Ramsey's two favorite thing to do at Allevity.
Laser Tag is his other favorite!
When Ramsey came out, he was SO EXCITED.  He was on the red team and he told us, "I took out the green base all by myself!!!".  
Charlie didn't love laser tag.  And, when Stetson came out, I asked him if he liked it.  His eyes were big, he kept walking, and said "No... that was not good!"  LOL!    It was their first time, so it might have been a bit overwhelming for them.  Next time!!
Ramsey and Tage played air hockey (Ramsey's very first time).  Tage went a little easy on him.  Tage and Veda have an air hockey table at home, so they're masters!
What a day!  Happy Birthday, a little early, to our Doodlebug.

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