Saturday, June 25, 2022

Private Swimming Lessons

 Ramsey had swim lessons earlier this year.  Though he made progress (submerging his head under water with a held breath), he didn't pass to the next level, so he was rather discouraged.  

His issue: floating.  He just didn't get the hang of it.   Eric and I figured that he just needed some more one-on-one personal attention for longer periods of time.

While I was at work, Eric has been swimming with Ramsey, teaching him how to float and swim more.
We agreed that after just one "Daddy & Me lesson", Ramsey had already surpassed what he would have needed to do in order to pass Level II Swim at the YMCA.  He was doing... amazing!
He is getting braver and braver.   Before we know it, he'll be swimming like a fish and jumping off the dock!

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