Friday, June 10, 2022

Summer Dock Fishing

 Dock-fishing at its finest!   Connor had Jared out to chill and all of the boys wanted to go fishing.  So, in true Duven style, it had to be a contest; two against two.

Connor and Jared... against Eric and Ramsey.
Ramsey snuck over to hang out with Connor and Jared for a while.... then returned back to fish more with Daddy.   Notice that Jared was bestowed the R2D2 pole. 
I was surprised that I was able to get a catch on video.  I was just in time!  The rest of my evening was hanging with Jango, so he wouldn't be sad all by himself (crying inside the house - poor baby).
The guys kept all of the fish in the live cage until the next day.  It's Connor's turn to clean fish!

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