Saturday, June 11, 2022

Vacation Bible School

 I decided to do something new this year.  I decided to volunteer to be a vacation bible school teacher.   I had a bit of vacation time to use, the church was looking for helpers, plus this would be one trip instead of  two trips to town to transport Ramsey for VBS.  Why not?!

When I checked in, I was told I'd be a team leader.  Oh boy.  

Every day started out the same; about 20 to 30 minutes of learning/singing songs (that would be performed at the end of the week, in church).   Each song had actions.   By 9:15 AM, we'd sat, stood, danced, sang, and repeated several times!  We got in LOTS of steps and exercise this week! Holy schmoly.
After singing, our groups went to various 20-30 minute sessions, learning about teachings of the good book and praising Jesus.

During the week, after VBS, Ramsey and I would go to McDonalds for special lunches.  We went to parks to eat.   We even stopped in to see Nana Karen at her apartment.  She has a nice park behind her building.
It was really a special week and I met some truly phenomenal people.   And, I now have three new songs that will be forever engrained into my brain.  😉🥰

"God is Watching Over You"
"Our God is Great - Our God is Awesome"
And, my favorite... "Our God is an Awesome God".
Ramsey's Group:
My Group:
The entire group!
It was a wonderful week of getting to know new sweet kiddos, learn more about bible teachings, and spending time in church.  It was, however, extremely exhausting also. I had no idea!  Kudos to all of the volunteers and employees of our church who make this happen every year!

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