Sunday, December 31, 2023

Ramsey Says 2023

Just throwing this out there... 
So... the kid is 9 and growing up.  He says all kinds of crazy (and we think witty) things.  (We're totally biased, I know.)    Writing is hard.  I've gotten lazy with the documentation.

There isn't much on this page.  It will probably be the last "Ramsey Says" post on this blog.  I threw in a few rando pics as well just to fill some space!   
Que sera sera... it was good while it lasted!  
Whilst recuperating from the stomach flu and still having a case of the Drizzlin' Mee Mee's, I reminded Ramsey to use the bathroom if he felt he had to toot, as to not end up with a pants-ful at school and embarass himself.
Ramsey: "I didn't go to the bathroom earlier when I should have.  I guess I just got lucky!!"

We're all sick AGAIN.  Two bouts of stomach flu in two weeks, then some sort of awful respiratory/body flu.
Eric: "Ramsey, maybe we all have the new Chinese Super Virus!"
Ramsey: "Dad, stop.  There is no new Chinese Super Virus.  If there was, it'd be on every damn news!"

Driving with Ramsey, chatting about our reno, etc.
Eric: "Ramsey, you're going to have to learn a few things before you get married."
Ramsey:  "Marriage... what's the use?!?!?!?"

Ramsey at the dental office (playing Pac Man.. which he loved!)
Not impressed with the size of this spoon at the restaurant.

Christmas Break:
While watching a war documentary, Ramsey learned that Truman took over the presidency when FDR died in 1945.  He said, "So, that's what vice presidents are for?  If Joe Biden dies, we get President Kamala Harris.  Oh no... I weep for the future of my kind!"


 After 10 years, we FINALLY made plans to go out on the town for New Year's Eve.   We found an amazing sitter (who lives right across the lake - Ramsey met her... loved her instantly!), we had a venue.

And... the black sequin pants that I had purchased years ago and have never worn were begging to be worn!

Then, on December 30th, later in the evening, Ramsey started to snot and sniffle around... and cough.  By the morning, he was full-on SICK SICK SICK.

This poor sweetheart was SO sick that he napped.  Ramsey hasn't napped since he was ONE... unless he's got a crazy temp, is wicked sick, and lethargic beyond belief.  

Instead of painting my face for New Year's, we watched over Ramsey and hung out with him while he was so so miserable.  

...guessing the D family Christmas will be postponed until the germs are gone (surely this will spread).  We shall see!

At least we were together and at home.  The sequin pants will just have to wait another year.

Happy New Year!  :-)

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Iced In

 We knew the big storms were coming in, so our plans were kept to a minimum... and were within boundaries of being inside only.   

We got quite a large amount of ICE.  The poor chickadee here is trying desperately to get some suet for sustenance.

The rest of the day, we enjoyed ourselves and RELAXED!  
We drank hot cocoa and watched movies, played games and toys.
I did myself a favor.  I took off the ENTIRE WEEK from work! Hallelujah, it is good to recharge!   

Monday, December 25, 2023

Happy Christmas!

 The biggest Christian holiday has finally arrived... the day we celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus.  

And... open up presents from Santa and his elves.

Ramsey dug right in and found fun boxes of Legos (WWII soldiers and Task Force/SWAT), candy, and other larger items that would not fit inside a mere stocking.

First bigger gift: a gun.   
Ramsey was questioning how the elves could possibly make toy AK-47s.
We talked about potential out-sourcing.

Oh look.  Another gun.
Handmade M1 Garand, straight from the North Pole (Etsy?).
While Ramsey played with his new Legos and toys, Eric, Jango, and I all chilled with some football.  Yes, football.  On Christmas.  So weird.

God bless you all on this very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas Eve!

 On a wintery Christmas Eve, with just three of us, there was no need to rush or scurry.  We just did what we wanted to do.

Step 1:  Bake cookies for Santa!

Do NOT miss any of the batter - get every ounce of it!!
Step 2: Take lots of pictures!
Even if your husband thinks you're a weirdo and hates having his picture taken!   Take 'em anyway!!
Someday, we'll have the wonderful photos to remember happy times.
Step 3:  Open presents!!
Of the gifts I gave Eric, this one was the best.  ha!
Aaaaaand, here's a gun.  I think it was a toy M16.  I dunno.  Ask Ramsey.
A beautiful onyx chess set was in this box.  Nice!  I used to play on a tan/beige and cream onyx chess set with my grandmother when I was young.  I loved it!
Hmm.. what could this be.. in a long skinny box?
Ya, another gun. ...some sort of toy long rifle.  Again, no idea what it is... ask the kid.
Cold hard cash!
Ramsey loves him some cash.
And a check for mo money!
The kiddo brought in a good haul, with Army and Delta Force t-shirts, a Delta Force baseball hat, some pants, camo Dude shoes, a pair of new tennies, boxing gloves, a new gaming controller, socks, plus two new board games for his teacher (how sweet was that?!)

Jango got a chew toy.... and a beef stick.
Eric helped Ramsey put his AK-47 together.

Step 4:  Put out cookies and milk for Santa, plus carrots for the reindeer.  We left them on the table this year so Jango wouldn't try to eat the cookies.

Step 5: More pictures before bedtime!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas Eve Eve

For Christmas, the weather reports were citing big storms and blizzard conditions.  We made it a point to go to church and visit Nana (to deliver presents - and also Culver's!) on the eve of Christmas Eve.  Connor was due to be at his Mom's for Christmas, so we were missing his sweet face.