Sunday, December 17, 2023

Visiting Santa

 Ramsey does NOT feel too old to go see Santa.  For that, I am grateful.  :-)   After church, we went to visit Nana Karen, take a few pictures, then... time to visit The Big Guy.  No, not THAT big guy.  😂  (Perhaps politics shouldn't be integrated into this blog?!?  😂)

Pics at Nana's place:

Pics with The Big Guy.  Ramsey explained to me that he is fully aware that this guy is one of Santa's employees... nay, volunteers, who works with Santa to deliver news and relay information.

The Pavillion here on the lake hosted a little Chistmas gathering, with cookies and drinks for the kids.

I'm going to share Ramsey's initial Letter to Santa.  There's a definite theme here.  

For anyone who does NOT know this child well... he wants to attend West Point, be career military, and be Delta Force.  And, he's a complete crazy man when it comes to knowledge about firearms of the world and their history; he rattles off all sorts of insane facts about hundreds of different types of guns. 

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