Monday, December 25, 2023

Happy Christmas!

 The biggest Christian holiday has finally arrived... the day we celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus.  

And... open up presents from Santa and his elves.

Ramsey dug right in and found fun boxes of Legos (WWII soldiers and Task Force/SWAT), candy, and other larger items that would not fit inside a mere stocking.

First bigger gift: a gun.   
Ramsey was questioning how the elves could possibly make toy AK-47s.
We talked about potential out-sourcing.

Oh look.  Another gun.
Handmade M1 Garand, straight from the North Pole (Etsy?).
While Ramsey played with his new Legos and toys, Eric, Jango, and I all chilled with some football.  Yes, football.  On Christmas.  So weird.

God bless you all on this very Merry Christmas!

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