Saturday, December 16, 2023

Pizelles and Handpainted Gifts

 We really like to do "a lot" during the holidays, to make things special and make memories.

Ramsey likes to paint things for grandparents for Christmas presents.  This year, he picked out snowmen and little picture stands.
We were a little LATE getting started, but we made up for it, finishing up in just a few days.  
Aaaaand, for WEEKS Ramsey had been begging to make Pizelles.  He'd never had one before, but I'd purchased a Pizelle press at Hobby Lobby.  He was dying to try it out.
We mixed up a good size batch so we'd have ample to eat... and maybe a few to share.
One can never make any sort of baked goods with a good beater-licker.  
They turned out beautiful.  They were dusted with powdered sugar for an extra bit of flabor.
We placed them carefully in pretty Christmas boxes.  
We snagged our fair share of the delicious crispy cookies, but we took a big box to the assisted living center where Nana lives, for the staff.  We gave Nana a few, but she didn't need diabetic sugar overload, so her ration wasn't as hefty.  I got a dirty look for that, as she would have rather had the big box! 
In addition to Pizelle-making, I found a new recipe on Pinterest that peaked my interest; orange cranberry bread with citrus glaze.  
As much as I love to bake, these were going straight to the neighbors as part of the Christmas loot.  

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