Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Mystery Solved: The Evening Thief

 We'd been perplexed for the last few weeks.   We have a few bird feeders on our lake-facing deck.  One is very large and can hold a LOT of bird seed.   For a while now, Eric will fill the bird feeders and, by the next day, they are completely WIPED OUT - totally empty!   There haven't been a murder of crows around or large flocks of anything else that would have caused this.  And, there weren't any holes in the feeder.

This evening... we figured it out.  We saw the culprit around 10PM as it was getting dark.  

Yes, the culprit... the thief... was not any sort of feathered creature/s.  It was, in fact, a single gluttonous raccoon!

We had to take measures to remedy the situation.  We certainly didn't need any additional racoons getting any crazy ideas.  Poor guy... but man, if he wouldn't have been so greedy, we would have happily shared.   

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