Friday, June 9, 2023

Vacation Bible School

It was time again for Vacation Bible School at our church.  This year, I was unable to take the time off to assist.   Ramsey was super pumped to be going again!   
This year's theme was "Stellar - Shine Jesus' Light".    Ramsey's troop had seven kids in it, all around his age.  He made new friends... one of Ramsey's favorite things to do!
Each day at the beginning and end of the days, the kids learn and practice their song lyrics and actions in the gym.  
There are multiple stations thereafter.  They learn about the bible verses, have snacks, do crafts, and have outside time.
And, because it's nice and warm, there is always lots of WATER fun during the week!
The kids perform their songs twice for the public/congregation; once on Wednesday evening church and then on Friday, right after the last station/class.  (We missed the Wednesday evening performance.)

Hundreds of kiddos partake in this wonderful event.   There are SO MANY wonderful volunteers and church employees who work hard to make everything run smoothly and be possible.  They have my gratitude!
Ramsey had a great time and is looking forward to it next year already!

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