Sunday, June 11, 2023


 Well, it just wouldn't be summer around here if we didn't catch a Pumpkin Seed fish and toss it in the aquarium.  The boys caught this one today.  He's a large dude, so hopefully he doesn't scare the other fish! He's beautiful and he's seems to be adapting well to the new environment.

Eric is excited because this one eats tropical fish flakes, so he doesn't require a 100% special diet.  He does like his worms though and comes to the surface and snatches them quickly when they are offered.

August update:  Mr. Panzer has gotten aggressive towards the other fish.  We've noticed that the goldfish have lost many of their scales and look rough.   We felt it was best to release him back into the lake.  

The goldfish are on the mend.

This will be the last time a Pumpkin Seed will be in the tank... for the rest of the fishies' sake.

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