Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

 This year, Ramsey and I had a bit of a WWII theme going on.  He was a soldier and I went as Rosie the Riveter.

We started off by visiting Nana Karen at her home.   Ramsey was very stoic in all of his pictures.  He was very much into "keeping character".
At the nursing home that is attached, they had a trick-or-treating event, so we bopped over there to see people and get some candy!
We met up with Ramsey's classmate Orion and his Mom Heather, then took off to dom some trick-or-treating.   We stopped as the kids' teacher's house first, then off to a neighborhood.

Orion was the Grim Reaper and had creepy awesome glowing red eyes
We always have to stop at our chuch's Trunk or Treat event.  This year, due to potential weather, they held it indoors.  We didn't freeze our butts this year!
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 29, 2023


 Every so often, we get on a kick of playing chess.  Eric usually goes a little easier on Ramsey.  I don't.  But, I'm pretty sure he'll sail on by me soon, so I'm going to win while I can!! 🤣

Friday, October 27, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

October Dog Walk Challenge

At the end of September, I signed us up for the St. Jude's 31-Mile Dog Walk.  Start date: October 1.  End date: October 31.  

October weather here can be quite tricky.  We had about 50% that was great.  The other half, not so much, but we ventured out quite a bit anyway, me donning gloves, warm hats, scarves, and heavier jackets.  

We raised some money for an amazing charitable cause.  It wasn't a ton, but every bit helps.  And, it made Jango happy to get out of the house and it gave me an extra few steps to keep the ol joints working.

Sometimes Ramsey accompanied Jango and me.... sometimes he didn't. 

No matter the day, we always had beautiful scenic views.

In the end, we had feelings of great satisfaction and accomplishment.  
And, Jango earned a free dog leash.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Play Time/Chore Time

 Charlie and Jonah stopped out today to play.  Apparently Charlie had been focusing on ways to make money.   After the boys played for a while, we gave them an option to earn a few bucks; RAKE!

And, so they did.    Neither wanted any part of picture-taking, however.   ...didn't seem to stop me much.

Good ways for these kiddos to learn work ethic!  

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

 Why do I do it to myself?!?!  NOT GOOD for a healthy eating plan.  Gah!!  Ha - oh well.   Today, I had an "excuse" to bake up some homemade yummy ooey gooey frosted cinnamon rolls; teacher treats for parent-teacher conferences.  I always bake up something different.  I hadn't made homemade sweet buns from scratch for such a long time.  My stand mixer had been neglected for a while.  Time to put her to work!

I kept a pan for us.  Instead of ONE cheat day, there were many!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October Rainbows

 After supper, Jango and I went for one of our walks on the trail.  The sky was amazing, but also very strange.  The fall colors were crisp and warm. 

The clouds hung low and surrounded us like a warm hug
On our way back, heading East, we noticed a double rainbow in the distance (it did not photograph).  By the time we got home, it was a breathtaking site.  The boys were outside and had been watching the sky from the dock, while fishing.   
I don't recall the last time I'd seen a rainbow in October.   Gorgeousness!

Monday, October 16, 2023

Time to Put the Boat Away

 Oh, tis a sad day that we'd been prolonging.  We were one of the last to get the boat off the dock this year (seems we end up in this situation quite frequently).   Though it was nice much of October, it was also kind of a bear, with rain and wind at times.   Yes, it was definitely the day we needed to roll off the lift canopy and get the boat off the lift and put into storage.  Boooooo!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Heave, HO - Tough Guys

 Jonah and Charlie came to visit us this weekend.   Of course, the adults BS'ed while the kiddos played.  Of course, there was dress-up time as soldiers in camo, donning swords and guns of sort.

Then, it was time for oustide play.  They found all sorts of fun sticks (again, to use as swords and guns).  But, they happened upon a downed tree limb down by the lake.   They made it their goal to get that VERY HEAVY and awkward limb from the shoreline up to the house, so we could later cut it up and use it as fire wood for a bonfire.   We may or may not have cited  a few bucks as extra incentive.  😉
This thing was seriously massive.  There was a reason we hadn't dragged it up the hill yet.  We had planned to take the chainsaw to it, cut it up at the lakeside, then haul it to the wood pile.    These kids had other plans and they were determined to make it work.   It was quite comical for a while as they flustered about trying to figure out the process.   As they struggled, us [mean] adults chuckled.  I'm pretty sure Jonah cackled.
After minutes of frustration (by the kids who couldn't move the branch - and us adults who wanted so badly to just go help them... except for the long walk up and down the hill - no thanks!), they finally figured out the teamwork aspect. They found if they forced it at the same time, it would move (albeit inches at a time, but nonetheless).
They literally/verbally "heaved" and "ho'ed" as they moved that ridiculous dead limb up the hill.   They stopped for "air breaks" intermittently.
Once they made it up the incline, it was much easier to manage.
And, unbelievably, they manged to get that damn branch up the ridulous hill grade and underneath the deck.
We gave them each $10 for their efforts.  It was worth the lesson in teamwork, work ethic, and also entertainment by onlooking adults.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Lincoln Lights of the Week

 Every so often, kids are chosen to be "Lincoln Light of the Week" for one reason or another (being responsible, working extra hard, etc).

This week, Ramsey was part of the Lights.

Good job, buddy!

Monday, October 9, 2023

Chillin' in October

 The days have been so amazing lately that it was hard to tolerate indoors!  After school and work, we've been outside, enjoying the fresh Indian Summer(esque) weather while it lasts.

I never want to jinx anything, but wondering how much longer this gorgeousness is going to last?!?

After walks, we could be found lounging and swinging on the play set.
We found that our poor tree down by the lake had been chomped quite heavily by resident beavers.  Poor tree!    
Ramsey may need to help out and utilize his new-found wood chopping/splitting abilities.  Maybe this will be a winter project. !?!?

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Pumpkin Patch Fun

 One of the local churches hosted a pumpkin patch and Fall Fun event, with free hot dogs and hot cocoa, bouncy castles, an acre worth of pumpkins, plus some photo op areas.  There were a LOT of kids there and Ramsey was one of the older kids.  We still lots of fun and full bellies.