Monday, August 18, 2014

First Time at the Fair

First time at the fair for RAMSEY.  Lord knows I've been to a myriad of fairs in my life, growing up showing cattle across the U.S.  Connor and Eric have had their "fair share" of the festivities in the past as well. 

The weather that day was a SCORCHER.  Even though the thermometer read in the low 80's, the humidity was such that it felt like 100!   Needless to say, it was a shorter trip than we had originally anticipated! 

We started out by checking out the petting zoo. 
It was so hot, we were feeling sorry for the poor llamas and horses that had so much hair.
The loud sounds of turkeys and chickens turned our attention to the poultry.
A large grey female turkey squawked and squawked for unknown reasons.  :-) 
A rooster's lurid crow scared the dickens out of Ramsey.
After that startle, we moved to the dairy and goat barn.
(City Slickers!!!!)
We then trekked to the midway to eat naughty fair food (Connor and Eric had their first bites of deep fried Oreos, Connor had his first funnel cake - that he remembers!).   Roasting from the heat, we decided to skip rides and anything else, and head home to enjoy some air-conditioning!
Next year, it's our goal to try to plan better and attempt to go on a cooler day as to enjoy the Ferris Wheel, merry-go-round and such!

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