Tuesday, August 19, 2014


One of Connor's favorite "inside" things to do is put together Legos and Mega Bloks.   To date, he's assembled an airplane and Star Wars sets, but recently he finished his Call of Duty military sets that Nana and Bumpa gave him for his birthday. 

Throughout this last building venture, he was very diligent, meticulously organizing the pieces by size and shape, for a more focused and smooth assembly.
He started putting together the Humvee and military shelter.  Good thing for the instruction booklets (there are so many pieces!).
Being an avid Lego-lover also, I got down on the floor with Connor and dug in a bit as well.  I put together the little army guys and their machine guns, ensuring that they had the proper color-coordinated outfits and matching weapons, ammo, and accessories.  Ha!  Those little dudes were so tiny, my fingers still hurt!
Mission 1 (Humvee and Firebase): Complete.
A few days later...
Mission 2 Completed:  "Dome Battleground" (complete with drone!)
My mission: To build an 18" x 24" x 3" box, spray it Desert Camo or black, add some sand to it, to create a [hopefully] realistic desert scene.  Connor wants to place his Call of Duty sets in the sandbox, then on top of his tall dresser for a cool display.
All Lego/Mega Blok missions completed (in the last year or two):
Connor's coveted special Star Wars sets:
(All of these have a myriad of moving parts.  They took DAYS to patiently put together!)
Millennium Falcon:
Jedi Shuttle:
Sith Fury-Class Interceptor:
Red Airplane (the first set of higher-difficulty Legos that Connor completed):
The original idea was to hang all of the Star Wars fighters and shuttle, plus the airplane from the ceiling, but pieces kept falling off and they wouldn't stay together.  So much for that idea!
What will his next missions be?  Hmm....


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