Monday, August 4, 2014

"SO BIG" at Six Months

It seems that the six month timeframe for Ramsey has proven to have quite a number of milestones; he's been pushing himself up and sitting up on his own, his first two teeth have come in, he's said his first "real" word (Mum-ma), and he's within days of crawling (right now, he's on all fours, scooting and lunging forwards, and scuttling backwards).  His personality is shining through even more; he's so happy and giggly and also very active and rambunctious!

Ramsey with his favorite toy; his musical airplane.  We all have its songs memorized, replaying in our heads.... constantly!   "One, two, three, come fly away with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
He loves to "kiss" his loved ones.
He likes to get kisses too!
And he loves to grab faces. 
Riggs is remarkably patient with him.
"First Time" helping with the laundry. Thanks boys!
(Thank you Riggs, for not running off with our socks this time.)

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