Thursday, August 14, 2014

Splish Splash, I Was Takin' a Bath!

Typically, I give Ramsey his baths during the week.  They're the usual... get every little finger, toe, crevice and orifice clean, while singing weird little made-up songs and laughing.  Then, splash around and play with toys for a few minutes before the shallow water gets too cold. 

Since it's only been during the last month or so that Ramsey has started to really have fun in the bathtub, Daddy decided to push bath time to a whole new level, giving Ramsey a special "Splash Bath".  Donning his swim trunks, he filled the tub up and hopped into the bath with our little sweetie.  (I promised Eric I would not show him in the pictures by the way - even though I thought they were precious!)

With super fun toys and bubbles galore, Ramsey splashed around and played for a good 20 minutes before we took him and his [just-starting-to-become-] pruney fingers and toes out of sudsy water.
Bobber-fishing in the bathtub...
They had so much fun, they did it again on Saturday.  This might become a weekly ritual!  :-)

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