Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Eating Icicles in the Winter Time

Ok, so technically, it's "Spring", but it's still chilly outside and there's still snow everywhere (with more coming soon, so Mr. Weatherman says).

I've always had a "thing" for ice cream in the middle of winter.  It might sound strange, but a big ol' bowl of cold ice cream, snuggled under a warm fuzzy blanket is pure heaven!   It seems that the boys have a deviated version of that too.

Connor made popsicles for himself and his little brother the other day.   He has taken a cooking class in school, but, thus far, these are the the only things he has made around here (other than a sandwich when he's in a pinch).  And, technically, the ones he made here should be called icicles because they're just frozen water!    Later, he did decide to freeze some Diet Coke too, so that added a bit of creativity.
Connor loves them.  Ramsey now loves them.  And, as you can see from the pictures, Riggs loves them (oddly, he's a huge fan of ice cubes), as he was sitting there begging for one the entire time they were slurping.
"Cheers!" says Ramsey. 

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