Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Snow Much Fun!

I'm having "snow much fun", Ramsey said numerous times last Saturday.  (That's his creative little pun!)
The weather was in the upper 30s, the sun was shining, we had a nice blanket of winter beautiful white stuff on the ground from a recent snow, and there didn't happen to be much wind.  
It was probably the second day all year where the stars had aligned, making it a perfect day for playing outside, sledding and having tons of winter fun!  
 Of course, snow angel-making was top priority.
 Making snowmen was also high on the list.  This was actually the very first time Ramsey had ever made a real snowman.  The snow was ideal for sculpting.   Riggs found that those large balls of snow were also fun to plow through!  We made some of them more than once.  :-)
 General frolicking and jumping made the top of our SNOW MUCH FUN list.
 Since the hill on the front (east) side of the house is SO long and steep (and Mom had to escort Ramsey up the hill each time, as the designated sled carrier), we decided to sled on the slope to the north instead.  It's nice to have options!
 It was the perfect distance and grade for a beginning sledder.  And, enough to give me a work-out, without killing me.  ha!
 And what would a winter day be without throwing snowballs?  
 I hope we can have a few more days like this yet this month!

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