Monday, March 12, 2018

What's a Kid to Do?

We had quite a dumping of snow the last few days.   I don't know how much, but I'd guess about 10+ inches.  Much of the early snowfall was "the wet stuff", melting before it could accumulate.    The school-aged kids had it made; no school for two days!
The snow continued on Wednesday, but it had been the nice white fluffy kind coming down since Tuesday afternoon.   It was bittersweet really; love the snow but it had made for very poor travel for everyone!

No school/no travel also meant no Nana Karen to take care of Ramsey while I worked.  Eric came home at noon on Monday (unsure that if he didn't leave then, he wouldn't make it home that evening!), so he and Ramsey hung out that afternoon.   Thereafter, I had relocated my "office" to the kitchen counter.

So, for the remainder of the week, what's a 4-year-old to do when Mom's busy working 8 to 5 (or more like 6 PM) ?

1.  Hang out in PJ's... all day (um, not much different than normal! ha!)
2. Fill the dishwasher (totally his idea, though I can't say as I minded the help!)
3.  Play toys; mainly Legos, kinetic sand, Duplo blocks, and a little bit of Kindle time.
 I was pleasantly surprised with some of Ramsey's creations.  He made towers, houses, and hover crafts for his Star Wars guys.  His creations were symmetrical and very precise!
Plus a family, made out of Duplos.  He said that they had helmets on.
4.  Sing and hum while playing.   (He stayed by my side much of the time as I worked).  "Bad Romance" by Lady GaGa is the song of choice in the video below:
I also have a rendition of him squealing (I mean SINGING) the Star Wars theme song.  For those with sensitive ears, I chose to omit it.

I was very impressed with how well he played so nicely by himself for the week.  I'm also happy that my boss has a good sense of humor and is understanding!  :-) 
We had a good week!

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