Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Snow Much MORE Fun

We were so glad to have another beautifully sunny weekend in the mid 30s, with little wind.  The days and outside winter play were even more perfect because Connor was with us!
Before sledding, Ramsey needed to make snow angels; a total staple for snow playtime.
 Then, Connor had to take the first trip down our [awesome] front yard hill, in order to make a pathway for the rest of the sledding.
 Riggs was so excited, he raced down the hill with Connor too.  Ramsey met them both at the bottom.
Here was the boys' first trip down the hill together.  And, incidentally, Ramsey's first trip down the hill on a "big kid sled", not the old toddler/baby sled.  He was so excited (and brave!).
 Connor was so sweet.  He helped Ramsey up the hill the first few times, holding his hand while they trudged through the deep snow.   I helped Ramsey later so that Connor could get some solo flights (literally - he did catch air a few times!), in between.
They had a lot more trips together, laughing the entire time.
 Here's one of Connor's solo trips, with Riggsy by his side the entire time.
On another one of Connor's trips, Riggs was seemingly trying to hinder him from blasting down the hill.  He was plowing up the snow behind Connor.   Riggs was getting so wild that Eric had to take him inside so the boys could continue sledding.
 After one of the sled rides, we saw a very peculiar thing; a little blue airplane swooped down from the sky.  It was getting so low to the lake that we thought they may be in trouble, having to make an emergency landing.  The plane came within just a few feet of the snow-covered lake, stayed there for a while, then soared back up into the sky.  And, that was the last that we saw of it.  Very. Strange.  ...guess they were just messin' around!
After about an hour, Ramsey decided it was time for him to go inside and warm up; his poor little hands were so cold!  Connor was going to stay out for a little while longer for some additional solo trips, knowing this could possibly be the last time he could sled until next winter.
 On the way into the house, I happened to spy this very odd-shaped icicle cluster.  It was on the side of the house, under the eve spout.  Totally off-topic, but I thought it was neat.
 Connor messed around, going down the hill backwards, sideways, and even tried going down standing up (too steep for my taste - yikes!).
 And, after a fun afternoon of sun, snow, and fun, the boys requested hot cocoa.  Yum.

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