Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Another Dose: Notable Quotes, by Ramsey

Little humans are certainly humorous.  We continuously have moments when we bust out loud at the things Ramsey comes up with.    Because my hand-written "Ramsey's quote page" on the fridge is full, here are more notable quotes by our littlest dude.  The next dose will be posted when the pages are full again!

1/2/18 - Ramsey got out of bed after he had went to bed (after already being up once!) and said he had to go pottie (again).  I gave him the sideways I-don't-believe-you look.  He exclaims, "I don't want to be miserable.  I want to go poop.  MOM, just leave me alone for a minute!!"
Yeesh, sorry!
Video: Ramsey's obsession (since he was a toddler), sniffing our perfume and cologne.  He also likes to sniff spices!

1/7/18 - It was a Sunday afternoon and Ramsey asked if he could play with his Duplos.  I told him to just wait a minute and I would get them.  He said, "I want them this weekend!.... THIS WEEKEND, I SAID!!!" 

1/7/18 - Ramsey's first pun:  Eric was going to take Ramsey outside to play in the snow.  Ramsey said, "We're going to have SNOW MUCH FUN!!"   Oh, he was so pleased with himself and proud of his play on words.  :-)

1/10/18 - I asked Ramsey to pick up his toys.  He looked at me and said, "Mom, YOU SUCK!" and then he laughed.  (He got this from a Weird Al song about school pride.)  I informed him that it wasn't nice to tell people  they "suck".  Eric explained to Ramsey that the song was a parody and a joke and that it was actually mean to say that.   Ramsey said, "Awwww, Mom, I'm so sorry.  I'm sorry I said 'you suck!'"

1/12/18 - It was evening and I was getting Ramsey ready for his shower.  Ramsey said, "Mom, I don't want to smell like pee.  I want to smell like a human!"

1/13/18 - Ramsey:  "Knock knock."   Eric: "Who's there?"  Ramsey: "Captain Panaca."  Eric: "Captain Panaca who?"   Ramsey: "I'm a black man!!!"
(Uh, Captain Panaca is an African American Star Wars character.)

1/19/18 - At bedtime, Ramsey and I were talking about feelings.  Ramsey said that his favorite feeling was "happy".  I sad that mine was love... and happiness too, but that they were a bit alike.  Ramsey then said, "You have a happy heart.  And, I have a happy heart.  My happy heart loves your mole!"  He paused and then looked at me and said, "You have a very interesting mole!"
(He has an obsession with the mole on my neck... has since he was an infant.)

2/4/18 - Ramsey was sitting on Eric's lap and he felt his face.  He said, "Dad, you need to shave, you're like a spicy pickle!" 
A few weeks prior to that, he and I had been talking about "prickly" as an adjective, uh, referring to my prickly legs.  (Shameful! ha!)

2/8/18 - I was gone to the annual meeting for the company I work for and was out of town.  Eric let Ramsey fall asleep in our bed, then took him to his own room after he fell asleep.  In the morning, Eric heard him over the monitor, exclaiming, "Hey, where the HECK AM I?!?!?"

2/9/18 -  Eric was doing some chores.  Ramsey asked him what he was doing and Eric told him that he was doing laundry.  Ramsey replied to him, "Dad, you are such a good man!"   I agree!!!!

2/12/18 - Ramsey asked if he and I were married.  I told him, "No, Daddy and I are married."  He yelled, "NO!" Then, he planted a kiss on my lips and said "Now WE are married!!"

2/27/18 - I was preparing some [frozen] peas for myself for supper.  While adding seasoning to my veggies, Ramsey said, "Hey, eat!  Show me what a big woman you are!"

3/14/18 - Out of the blue, Ramsey asks me, "Hey, can I have some money please.... to buy anything?"
Uh... no.

3/15/18 - Ramsey was pretending to choke and Eric and I were getting angry.   Ramsey said, "I didn't die.  I'm still alive!  But I wish I had my donut!!!"

4/6/18 - A sweet moment:  Ramsey wrapped his arms around me and gave me a big bear hug.  He said, "A hug IS love."  Then, he gave me a big kiss.  "A kiss is love too.  I love you Mommy!"  Then, he gave Eric hugs and kisses and loves too.  Aww!!

4/14/18 - Ramsey and I were laying in his little race car bed saying our nightly prayers.  When we were thanking God for all of the wonderful things he gives us, Ramsey said "Thank you for tow truck builders.  Tow truck builders are the best!  And, police offers are the best!  I wish I had a job!!"
Video:  Ramsey saying some of his bedtime prayers.

4/16/18 - Me: "Ramsey, you have a zit on your butt."   Ramsey: "I have a pimple on my butt.  My butt pimple turns pink when I love you!"

4/18/18 - Ramsey is a strange child and doesn't like sprinkles!  We were talking about sprinkles and I asked him why he didn't like them.  He replied, "because I am on a 'kid diet', Mom!!"  Well duh, Kara.

Video: Ramsey head-banging and light saber fighting to "Eye of the Tiger".  
Not our best shot of his dance.    Watch (or fast-forward) to the end. His one-liner is kind of funny for a 4-year-old.

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