Thursday, April 26, 2018

Three Parks in Four Days

We've got a lot going on right now (getting ready to move Nana Karen into a nice new apartment, general craziness at the lake, busy at work, etc).   But, in the midst of everything, we still try to take  time to have some fun.    Part of that fun is going to the park.

Ramsey and I have been and will be staying in Hecla at Nana Karen's house about three days per week (she has a LOT of stuff and we only have a few months to get everything in order and downsize her things).   Career job by day, sorting Nana's stuff by night.  And, somewhere in the middle, we take a little time out and go to the park.
 Hecla's city park hasn't changed much since I was a child.  It doesn't have any of the newer fancy equipment, but it has the basics and Ramsey doesn't complain at all!
 He loves the tornado slide.
(Riggsy loves the park too... finding all kinds of "treasures" to carry around.)
 And the diggers...
 And these little ridey things...
 And the merry-go-round!  (I have some crazy memories of flying around on this thing as a kid. Whoah!)
 And the old-fashioned slides are still lots of fun, though Ramsey claims that one of the two is much faster!
 So, getting to the part of about multiple parks in just a few days...  Monday was park time by Nana's house.  The next day, we visited a little city park about 20 minutes away when we were taking Nana to the doctor  (we got to go there a few times, cuz Nana was admitted to the hospital - we went and got her on Saturday, incidentally).

I only got one picture here cuz this child was running around like mad and found some buddies to play with.  No time for pictures!
 And, then on Thursday, we had to go back home because we needed to buy a utility trailer and I had spotted a sale.  While waiting for Daddy, we stopped at one of the beautiful parks where they have lots of phenomenal equipment (and lots of fun kids for Ramsey to befriend).
 Again, Ramsey loved the tornado slide.  This trip, he also was a super brave kiddo and ventured up the climbing wall, making all the way up by himself (with cautious Momma behind, spotting him).
So that's it.  I think that was a new record for us for number of parks visited in a short amount of time.   Oye!

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