Monday, April 30, 2018

FINALLY! A Little Time for Fishing

To say that Spring was late this year is a complete understatement!  Up until a week ago, there was still snow on the ground!   So, when the weather had warmed up enough and everyone had a serious case of Cabin Fever, we went outside to play and fish.

Dad had brought home some minnows.  Ramsey loves to play with the wiggly little buggers and Riggs is always very curious.
 And Ramsey seems to get a little defensive if Riggs gets too close to the fish!  Apparently he thinks Riggs is going to eat them.
 We didn't have the dock out just yet, so the boys plopped down by the rip rap and threw out their lines.
 And apparently had some nice little conversation, while jigging.
 Precious moments indeed!
 Eric gave Ramsey some good fishing advice.
 The next day, they decided to pull out some chairs.  And, the day was a little warmer and less breezy.
 Ramsey found a tiny little coniferous tree, growing in the rip rap.  He loved the little tree and fondly named it "Adorable".   Eric and I decided we would have to remove the tree from the rocks, pot it, let it grow a bit, and replant it later.  It can be "Ramsey's Tree".
 There isn't much that beats just hanging out on a lovely day with Dad, fishing and playing.  Good times.

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