Sunday, April 1, 2018

Being Brave... for a Haircut

If you live in our crazy household, it's no surprise that Ramsey... hates... haircuts.    "Hate" would even be a mild term, truthfully.   He didn't do half bad when he was younger.  The clippers... it must be [the noise of] the clippers.  ???  Plus, he has a fear of being cut by scissors (who doesn't?).

There was a time where I had to do all of the haircuts myself (with Connor's help, of course to hold him and try to distract him).  We couldn't take him to Auntie Shana's salon because he'd scream and cry so hard - a clear disruption to the other clients.    (It seems the older he got, the worse his phobia became.)
Last week, we bit the bullet and just did it.  And, he surprised us all by being an amazingly brave little boy.   Admittedly, pep talks for a week and an endless supply of suckers really helped.  And, we nixed the clippers for now.
 We took his Kindle along (as a safety blanket), even though he didn't play it (just held it tight).
There were a few times where Ramsey said, "I'm done!", but we pushed on.  After the third "I'm done", Shana decided to hang it up so this haircut could remain a pleasant experience.
 Was it the perfect haircut?  No, but it was a MASSIVE improvement to his previous shagginess.  And, we celebrated the progress and are hopeful that the next one (which will be sooner than later) will be even more successful.
 Shana had promised her Godson a surprise treat if he was a big boy during the haircut.  She had saved him a special sprinkled Easter donut from the best bakery in the area.  Yum!
And, Mommy and Nana each bought him a new light saber (Kanan's and Luke Skywalker's).  Cuz... he needed two more light sabers ya know (to go with the other half dozen he already has).  :-)

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