Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Ramsey's First Day of Sunday School

At church a few weeks ago, the Youth Ministry leaders gave each of the newest additions to their program a new children's [SPARK] bible.   Ramsey was thrilled!   He tried carrying it, but it's very heavy, so Mom and Dad bore the brunt when we went into the church for service.
This last Sunday, we went to his first day of Sunday School.  Parents were asked to join the children.    Eric wasn't feeling the best, so Connor and I accompanied Ramsey. 

It wound up being more of an orientation and "family fun hour" than anything.  As a large group (all of the Sunday School kids and families) met together in the church for an overview of the curricula and the church's mission, then moved into the recreation room to sing songs and dance.   Thereafter, we split off and went to some fun activities they offered in other rooms (sidewalk chalk, bubble-blowing, crafts, and learning stations, all with a good Christian message/theme).   It was super fun!  If it would have been appropriate, I would have taken loads of pictures. But, it's church, sooo....

While there, we also looked up the classroom number Ramsey will be in for the remainder of the year.   He's in a group of about 10 preschoolers (of the numerous PreK classes they have) and we know two of the children he'll be there learning with (one is one of Eric's colleague's daughter, born just two days after Ramsey)! 

So this next Sunday will truly be his first actual day of using his new Spark bible in a Sunday school environment.   He's looking forward to it!

I kind of wished I'd known he didn't need the bible that day.  It got AWFULLY heavy, dragging it around in my ginormous purse all morning!  :-)

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