Monday, September 3, 2018

Rumble.... CLUNK... Wow.

 After a very nice trip to Grandpa Mike's, we headed home on Saturday (cell phone still not able to place/receive calls!). 

Somehow, on the way home, I had missed my Northbound turn and continued East on another state highway.  Though we went through a few towns, it was nearly an hour before we saw another vehicle! 

Once we were on the main highway home (with plenty of cars around), the Jeep started acting goofy.  I checked the tire pressure on the computerized gauge (it was fine), then pulled over to check under the hood (loose mounts?) and check the oil.  All seemed fine, but I still turned around to to go back to the closest town. 

When I started towards the town, the car was rumbling and, within a minute, the Jeep CLUNKED and I was in Fight or Flight Mode, doing my best to keep it on the road.  I saw a tire fly off and bounce across the road, down the ditch, and over a fence!   Luckily, the pick-up behind me stopped right away.  And, when I got out, I saw a highway patrol car pulling up behind us. 
Here's what we found.  Yikes!  
We were VERY lucky and very blessed to have managed to stay on the road and not have rolled the Jeep.  And, lucky to have had people nearby (since my phone was of no use). 

Ramsey seemed rather unaffected by it (he was playing a game in the back seat and I tried to remain calm, telling him we had some "tire issues") and now has a good story to tell.  He made a new friend (Trooper Pahl), got to ride in her trooper car (she gave us a ride home), and was in wonderment of all the cool things that were in the law enforcement vehicle.

Ramsey later told Grandpa Orin on the phone, "God saved us!"    Good viewpoint, little buddy. 

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