Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ramsey's Rubber Plant

Just a post here for me when I'm back reminiscing years from now, reading our family blog book...

When I was in the hospital having Ramsey, Eric and Connor gave me a teeny tiny green plant, potted in a small ceramic airplane.  It was no more than 4" tall, much like the little geranium pictured below that Ramsey and I found growing rogue in our rock garden.  After a little research, I found that it was a common rubber plant (I don't have a green thumb and am not well-versed in household horticulture).
The other day, Ramsey and I had to repot the rubber plant (again), as it was overflowing the 8" pot it inhabited.   It's now in a ginormous pot, where I hope it will remain for a few years, before I have to move it to a new home again.
For being the gal who could kill an air fern, the houseplants we have are doing pretty darn well (they're all blessed with a big East picture window for the perfect amount of sunlight).

Here's my little helper, waiting for me on the deck, ready to bring the plants back in.   Goofball!   He takes after his Daddy.  ;-)

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