Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Another Blizzard

It's the weekend.... we're confined to the house (yet again).  What the heck is there to do?
 Ramsey sneaked the rest of the donut holes (with his mouth full, he admitted to eating the last five when we weren't looking!)  The trickster had quite the set-up going.
Eric put on a little talent show, to prove his mad juggling skills.  Notice the awestruck audience, nicely sitting with legs crossed, taking it all in. ha!
 Cookies were requested, so we whipped up a batch in the Easy Bake oven.
 And, once the snow had stopped (we got 10"), the boys went outside (at bedtime, no less) and play a game that Daddy invented called "Endurance" to see who could last the longest in the snow before crying "uncle".   (Although when Dad created the game, the dare was to go outside in your underwear - no one was up for that!
Prior to heading outside, Connor sneaked away for a few  minutes.  When he returned, he was wearing six shirts, five pairs of pants, then topped it off with Eric's parka, a face mask, polar boots, and gloves.   The kid was determined he was going to outlast his little brother!!  (We weren't quite sure why he didn't just put on his snow pants and a fleece as base layers, but it was humorous, nonetheless.)
 Connor won!  (Ramsey called it at about 10 minutes.)  He had found an icicle to munch on as well.  Meanwhile, Ramsey couldn't see any longer, as his glasses had fogged up to the point of no return.
Ramsey later exclaimed, "This is the best day of my life!! My brother is here!"

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