Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Prayer Pillow

With the many snow storms in February and March, we hadn't been able to get to church for a LONG TIME!  Thankfully, the weather was beautiful on the 24th... the day Ramsey's Pre-K Sunday School class was to receive their prayer pillows and prayer booklets.
 The parents and Pre-K kids were invited to go in front of the congregation for a blessing and to pick out their very own prayer pillow.  I thought Ramsey would take forever to pick one, but he just grabbed one (it happened to be pink/purple with My Little Pony - somewhat of a different choice, but he liked it!).  Prior to church service, we spoke with the youth administrator to talk about the prayer pillow and teaching children about prayer at home.
The prayer booklet that was given fits nicely in a little pocket that the pillow has.  There are prayers for meal time, morning, night time, when "I'm sorry", for friends and family, etc.
 A previous project was to glue this little foam Jesus and friends art piece with the Lord's prayer.  It hangs in his bedroom, right above his bed.  Ramsey's known the Lord's prayer for quite some time, but now he reads it almost every night.  I think seeing the verbiage helps a little, especially the longer words.
Ramsey now has his booklet at his bedside and the cute little squishy pillow on his bed.... another soft comforting addition to his plethora of stuffed animals, babies, and bedtime pals.   ðŸ’—💚💓

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