Monday, March 4, 2019

Message to Old Man Winter

This winter has been continuous snow and ridiculously crazy winds, causing wind chills in the -40's and even -50's!    For Eric, his personal time has been consumed with countless hours/days of snow-blowing, only to then hear the wind pick up, signaling that it needs to be done all over again.  I hear the grumbling daily (and I GET IT!!!).

It snowed again on Friday (Eric cleared the walkway and driveway...again) and the wind blew like mad on Saturday and Sunday.  Last night, when Eric was done snow-blowing, he told me to go outside and look.

Curious, I bundled up (it was a balmy -8° at the time) and shuffled outside to see his handiwork yet again.    Eric had a message for Old Man Winter:
 I wondered why he asked me for a can of red spray paint!!
Fun fact:  We broke another record on March 3rd.  According to the news, it was -20°, breaking the -15° from 1916!  The wind chills that day had reached -46°.  BR-RRRR!

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