Monday, March 25, 2019

Darth Snowman

While I was gone for a few days, the rest of the family had "boy time".  :-)   Part of that time was spent outside, playing in the snow.   It was the perfect type of snow for making snowmen; rather damp and malleable.

Ramsey played with Connor outside for about an hour and a half, building a snowman.  Eric said when he came in, he was DRENCHED, like he'd been swimming in the lake in his snow clothes.

Connor remained outside for another hour and a half completing said snowman!   He used sticks for arms, then covered the sticks in snow.  The "force choke" hand took several attempts to perfect (when I say perfect, I mean he had to redo it repeatedly because it kept falling apart!).   This was quite a dedicated effort by our 17-year-old.

Rise.... Darth Snowman!
 The black spray paint was a fun touch, as were the Darth Vader mask and the red light saber!

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