Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hiking Trail

The walking/hiking trail near our house, with beautiful trees (mostly Cedar!) and panoramic views of the lake.
Ramsey loves "exploring" here and "having adventures".   Riggs loves running everywhere and smelling everything.  
I love the calmness and peace.   I also love that Ramsey is now old enough to come with me (without a stroller), though I still end up carrying whatever sword, stick, or light saver he "HAS" to bring!
The myriad ticks I found on the dog once we got home.  Literally, he had at least 50 on him! #FrontLineDidntWork.
Plus, I found a bunch on Ramsey and myself (kept finding the little devils hours later and the next morning!).
#GrossedOut   #BetterBugRepellantNeeded   #HadtoShowerTwiceStillFeelingItchy   #WhenIs TickSeasonOver

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