Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day, a time to give thanks to Veterans who passed, making the ultimate sacrifice to keep our great nation free and safe. 

And, the "long weekend" we'd all been needing to rejuvenate and destress! 
 ....not many things sweeter than a little boy, his dog, and his wagon (that thing is a relic - it used to be mine when I was little).
Going for a spin in the Hummer (we could really use some FLAT ground SOMEWHERE to make this work better!)
 The playset was a nice retreat....
 Ramsey's favorite thing right now is the red rider.  
 And, of course, no nice-weathered weekend could go without fire-camping!
A "picnic snack" was necessary also.
We got a special surprise on Monday (Memorial Day).  Connor wanted to have a get-together with some of his buddies.
 Five of Connor's buddies showed up to fish and hang out.  They had to spread out between our dock and the neighbor's dock.
 There was a bit of X-Box playing and light saber fighting as well.
Ramsey was in HEAVEN, sitting with all of the "big boys" during lunch and getting time with them.
Connor's girlfriend Emily also came later to visit us!
Connor stayed over and one of his buddies also stayed.

Then, later the dock was a bit emptier again. 
Daddy fished while Ramsey and I played.  He reeled in a fish after Daddy had set the hook

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