Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Storybook Land Preschool Field Trip

Bittersweet, it was - the preschool field trip to Storybook Land.  It was the "last harrah" of the year.
Luckily, we had a beautiful day (amidst the surrounding cloudy/chilly/rainy days) with sunshine and temps in the 60's!
There were a lot of parents who volunteered to go on the field trip.  We all split up and conquered.
Ramsey and I were paired up with Keagan (one of Ramsey's best buddies), his brother Greyson (he's 7 or 8), and their mom, Victoria.
We seemed to be paired up appropriately.  All of the boys are spirited and they got along like peas and carrots.  They were so excited when they entered!
 A few times, we crossed paths with the rest of the group.
 Ramsey said, "Hey Mom, I'm winking at you!"
 Greyson was such a good buddy. 
 And all of the Pre-K boys (and Greyson) were pretty stoked that they got a table all to themselves!  "The Boy Table!
 We had such an awesome time.  
So thankful for such a wonderful group of friends, teachers, and volunteers.

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