Friday, May 17, 2019

Preschool Graduation

What an array of emotions on the day of Ramsey's preschool graduation.   Literally, my cup runneth over.  My heart was full.

Happiness - that he's had the opportunity to have such amazing friends, phenomenal teachers, and a wonderful environment to learn.

Pride - that Ramsey is turning into such a wonderful little human; so smart, funny, kind, and sweet.

Gratitude - for the love and guidance given by Ramsey's beyond-amazing teachers.  Seriously, we couldn't have ever had better teachers.  They are forever in our hearts.

Sadness - that my baby is growing up, this beautiful year is over, and soon he will be in Kindergarten! Mind. Blown.

Ramsey was sent to school all dolled up in his spring outfit with bowtie (gotta look handsome, ya know).    Nana Vicki and Bumpa drove down and met us.  Nana Karen wasn't well, so she wasn't able to attend.

The kids started off singing some super cute songs!
Then, they got their "diplomas".
Our little graduate:
Mrs. Brown and "Mrs. Rachel" (Brown) and the staff at First United Methodist were given accolades for their terrific efforts.
And, Mrs. Brown received an extra special nod, as she is retiring.  She will be missed SO much!  XXOO
Aaaaand.... here's where the waterworks started and I turned into a blubbering Mama.  That, in turn, caught on and Nana Vicki shed some tears.  And, apparently Ramsey also started bawling during this (but I was too busy sniffling myself to notice the poor kid was a mess!).
This video montage.... how stinkin' sweet!
 I tried to "smile nice" for the pic, but I had been crying like a darn baby, so I'm all puffy looking.  Grr.  HA!   Ramsey had "got it together" before the pic though.
 Our dear Mrs. Brown:
Afterwards, there was a reception downstairs with cookies and refreshments.  Ramsey had a special cookie with his name on it.  So cute!
 Sweet Mrs. Rachel:
 When we got home, we opened up Ramsey's gift bag from his teachers.  We discovered the most wonderful and heartfelt gifts!  There were wonderful books for Ramsey's library, pictures of Ramsey (see the "What I Want to Be When I Grow Up" pic), a copy of the photo montage video from the graduation ceremony, a workbook of the alphabet that Ramsey had worked on the entire year, and a personalized towel (which Ramsey insisted on using as a blanket instead). 
 Then, we got to the "memories" book, full of pictures, notes ("what Ramsey loves the most about school", "Ramsey's favorite things", "Ramsey's memories" [from various occasions]), and other tidbits from the past year in school.    That was where the waterworks fell all over again.

Ramsey patted me on my back and told me, "You'll be OK, Mommy!  It's good to have a 'good cry'.  I'm  here!  I'm always in your heart!"

After this extremely emotional day, I wondered, "Does it ever get any easier???!!??" 
#BlubberingMama   #KindergartenBound

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