Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Learning Scrabble

Back in the day (a few years ago) when I used to play the game app "Words with Friends" (basically Scrabble) on my phone, Ramsey would love to watch me play it and also put words together himself. 

When I was at the Salvation Army thrift store a few weeks ago, I found a few fun puzzles, plus a Scrabble Junior game that I nabbed up for Ramsey.
I figured he was ready to start learning, since he loves reading and spelling.

He is learning, but he just likes making the words with the tiles.  He's not impressed with the rule that you have to use existing words to add new words.
We'll get there.  :-)   I look forward to having Ramsey as a competitive strong opponent!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

School Carnival - A Mommy/Son Date

Coming off of a series of virulent flu bugs in our household, we snapped back.  With the "Family Fun Night" (school carnival) approaching, I personally had to put my stomach bug aside and push on to make two dozen cupcakes, create a "jar game" prize, and provide other goodies for the yearly extravaganza.   

The weather was beautiful this weekend.  We've all had a severe case of cabin fever, needing to get out and about.  That said, Eric had been looking forward to going ice fishing with Connor (for the FIRST time all year).    While Connor and Eric had confirmed their plans, Ramsey and I decided to make Saturday a mommy/son date day.

First, we had to drop off our donations to the school.  Then, we ran some errands and went to lunch - Ramsey's pick.  When we could have gone anywhere, he wanted McDonald's. 
 When it was time for the carnival, Ramsey wanted to eat... more (I couldn't imagine he would have still been hungry - but I think he was actually more nervous because of all of the people and just needed to "take it all in" first).

There were games galore!   Ramsey decided he didn't want to do the cake walk, so we started off at a fish pond.   Then, he won candy and some tickets at the Penny Push.
 He decided to do a few more games.   Here he is at the Basketball Challenge.   (Note to self: WE need to work on his form with him and teach him how to shoot.)
 And Spin the Wheel.
 The Football Throw.
Again, note to self... or, moreover, note to Eric... We need to help him work on his throwing form. :-)
 The theme this year was a Hawaiian Luau.  They had a super fun photo opp with a tropical theme and props. 
 The Jar Walk and Book Walk.
He didn't win a fun jar the first time, so he was done with that.
 He did win a book though, so he chose a fun one that we read later that night.
He opted not to play Bingo or stay the duration.  It was a crazy atmosphere with a ton of people and when Ramsey was done, he was just done.   We gave away his extra tickets to a classmate and her sister and hopped back into the car and came home.   Then, it was couch/cuddle time and watched some TV together.

As for Connor and Eric:  They caught a ton of very small walleye, but only one keeper, so they pitched them back.   Now they can say they went ice fishing this year.  :-)

Monday, February 17, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day... a day to express more love and affection (never a bad thing for any of us mush-buckets!!).

Dear husband had beautiful red roses delivered to the house and I gave him a gift certificate for a Shiatsu massage.
The kids got delicious chocolate (that I managed to stay out of - for once!)

In addition, I found a fun little idea on Pinterest (shocker!) that I did for Ramsey and Connor; daily Valentines.
Each day, Ramsey would get a new Valentine on his door.  When it was time for bed, he couldn't wait to see them and read them aloud!
Although, I will note that since Connor was not here much for the daily admiration heart, (and, moreover because he's a teenager and would probably roll his eyes at me) he got one single door Valentine that said "We are Lucky to Have You".   Teenagers, though less affectionate the little ones, still need to know they're loved and adored.   We love you, sweet special boys!!!
At bedtime that evening, Ramsey and I happened to be reading a book called "Me and My Amazing Body" which is a fun colorful book for youngsters that teaches the main system components of the human body; the skeleton, muscular system, vascular/circulatory system, digestive/intestinal tract, integumentary system, etc.
Ramsey looked at the picture of the heart and he said, "My heart doesn't just pump blood... it LOVES.  And that love just keeps going and never stops! I love you, Mom."
Momma's heart melted.   Awww!

Update: After further realization that I don't really care if my teenager scoffs or rolls his eyes at me, I plastered Connor's door with pick-me-up Valentines too!   Ramsey got into the spirit and gave Connor a bunch of his Valentines also.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Proud Puzzle Boy

Auntie Sarah had given this puzzle of the USA to Ramsey a while ago.   I'd helped him put it together a few times before. 
 The other night, after "screen time" had expired, he found the puzzle and told us he was going to do it all by himself!
 Instead of starting with the outside flat pieces of the puzzle, he worked from the East Coast to the West Coast, putting together all of the states together first.  The outer pieces were added last.   Nonetheless, he worked so carefully and thoughtfully and found it to be a fun challenge.
 Quite some time had lapsed from start to finish.  When he got done, he insisted that I take his picture and post it on the blog.  He was so proud that he was able to put all of these odd-shaped pieces together.  And, while he was doing it, he read aloud all of the states' names and their capitals.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Celebrating 100 Days of School

In celebration of the 100th Day of School, Ramsey's elementary had a special day - to dress up as if you're 100 years old.

Ramsey wore a button-down shirt with his red plaid bowtie, red suspenders, and tan buttoned sweater.
And yes, we did fix the buttons on his sweater before he left for school! (That was my fault - whoops!)
Though he wouldn't allow me to paint a white/grey beard on his face, he did let me spray-paint his hair silver!
In the afternoon, his teacher sent me this picture.  They got special snacks for super fun letter and number games!
And, "Zero the Hero" came for a visit!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy 18th Birthday

I recall when we first had an official teenager in the house.  Now, Connor is officially an "adult".  *Insert bug eyes from utter dismay here*
Happy 18th Birthday to a really great kid!   I met this sweetie pie when he was six.  He was somewhat shy, super adorable, smart, and kind-hearted.
Now, at 18, he's evolved into just a really dang good guy; responsible, honest, funny, still smart!, and respectful.
We "shared" Connor with his Mom and his friends for his birthday weekend.  He was at his Mom's on Friday night, with us on his birthday, and then on Sunday, he worked, then went to a friend's Superbowl party.
 For his gifts, we gave him $100 cash, a fishing license, and opened a Roth IRA for him.  Once the paperwork has cleared, we'll fund it with some market stocks; perhaps Microsoft, Apple, or something else that may perk his interests.
Birth date: February 1st
Height: 5' 10.5"
Weight: 150 lbs

Color: Blue
Food: Burritos
Video Game: Dead by Daylight
Movie: Star Wars - Rise of Skywalker
Music/Song:  Connor doesn't get into music, he said.
School Subject:  PE (though he hasn't had PE for quite some time!)
Lease Fave School Subject: Geometry
Restaurant: Qdoba
Ice Cream: Chocolate
Outdoor Activity: Tennis
Animal: Dog
Best Friends: Jared, Dillon, Adam, Brayden, Jason
Current Girlfriend: Julia
Current Car: Buick LaCrosse, black, 2008Fave Thing to Do With Ramsey: Play chase
Current Job: Shift manager at Qdoba

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Carnival/Fun Day!

Friday was certainly a jam-packed day.    At school, parents were invited to come to a Parent University fun day (afternoon).   Kids could wear jerseys of their favorite sports team, in celebration of the upcoming Superbowl.
We played BINGO with Ramsey in the gymnasium (we didn't win - wuh wuhhhh) and then went back to his classroom for more fun interactive games until school dismissed.
From there, we ran a few errands, grabbed some chow at Maverick's, then headed to our church for the Winter Carnival!    The carnival is something Ramsey looks forward to all year long.   After all, it features one his absolute favorite things in the entire world: bouncy castles!

They had the castle below, plus a fun bouncy maze for kids under 7.
Once again, they had the bohemeth castle with the obstacle course and huge slide at the end.   Ramsey had done this one two years ago with no fear.  Last year, they wouldn't allow kids his age to go on it.  This year, he was allowed.  But, he was certainly quite apprehensive about climbing the big ladder wall.
After he made it up the ladder wall and down the super fun slide, he considered himself a pro.  Another little boy was having trouble with the ladder.  Ramsey told him, "Hey, I will show you how to do it!"  He showed the little boy, then cheered him on as he climbed, with "You can do it!  You can do it, Jake!!"  His encouragement for the other little boy (who he didn't even know, just overhead his name) melted my heart!
Ramsey jumped and jumped and jumped and jumped.... for nearly TWO HOURS.  We had to force him to take water breaks.  His poor little face was flushed and he was a little sweat bomb!
When it was time to leave, he was so sad and upset.  He would have stayed and jumped until he passed out!    Good times.