Tuesday, February 25, 2020

School Carnival - A Mommy/Son Date

Coming off of a series of virulent flu bugs in our household, we snapped back.  With the "Family Fun Night" (school carnival) approaching, I personally had to put my stomach bug aside and push on to make two dozen cupcakes, create a "jar game" prize, and provide other goodies for the yearly extravaganza.   

The weather was beautiful this weekend.  We've all had a severe case of cabin fever, needing to get out and about.  That said, Eric had been looking forward to going ice fishing with Connor (for the FIRST time all year).    While Connor and Eric had confirmed their plans, Ramsey and I decided to make Saturday a mommy/son date day.

First, we had to drop off our donations to the school.  Then, we ran some errands and went to lunch - Ramsey's pick.  When we could have gone anywhere, he wanted McDonald's. 
 When it was time for the carnival, Ramsey wanted to eat... more (I couldn't imagine he would have still been hungry - but I think he was actually more nervous because of all of the people and just needed to "take it all in" first).

There were games galore!   Ramsey decided he didn't want to do the cake walk, so we started off at a fish pond.   Then, he won candy and some tickets at the Penny Push.
 He decided to do a few more games.   Here he is at the Basketball Challenge.   (Note to self: WE need to work on his form with him and teach him how to shoot.)
 And Spin the Wheel.
 The Football Throw.
Again, note to self... or, moreover, note to Eric... We need to help him work on his throwing form. :-)
 The theme this year was a Hawaiian Luau.  They had a super fun photo opp with a tropical theme and props. 
 The Jar Walk and Book Walk.
He didn't win a fun jar the first time, so he was done with that.
 He did win a book though, so he chose a fun one that we read later that night.
He opted not to play Bingo or stay the duration.  It was a crazy atmosphere with a ton of people and when Ramsey was done, he was just done.   We gave away his extra tickets to a classmate and her sister and hopped back into the car and came home.   Then, it was couch/cuddle time and watched some TV together.

As for Connor and Eric:  They caught a ton of very small walleye, but only one keeper, so they pitched them back.   Now they can say they went ice fishing this year.  :-)

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