Monday, February 17, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day... a day to express more love and affection (never a bad thing for any of us mush-buckets!!).

Dear husband had beautiful red roses delivered to the house and I gave him a gift certificate for a Shiatsu massage.
The kids got delicious chocolate (that I managed to stay out of - for once!)

In addition, I found a fun little idea on Pinterest (shocker!) that I did for Ramsey and Connor; daily Valentines.
Each day, Ramsey would get a new Valentine on his door.  When it was time for bed, he couldn't wait to see them and read them aloud!
Although, I will note that since Connor was not here much for the daily admiration heart, (and, moreover because he's a teenager and would probably roll his eyes at me) he got one single door Valentine that said "We are Lucky to Have You".   Teenagers, though less affectionate the little ones, still need to know they're loved and adored.   We love you, sweet special boys!!!
At bedtime that evening, Ramsey and I happened to be reading a book called "Me and My Amazing Body" which is a fun colorful book for youngsters that teaches the main system components of the human body; the skeleton, muscular system, vascular/circulatory system, digestive/intestinal tract, integumentary system, etc.
Ramsey looked at the picture of the heart and he said, "My heart doesn't just pump blood... it LOVES.  And that love just keeps going and never stops! I love you, Mom."
Momma's heart melted.   Awww!

Update: After further realization that I don't really care if my teenager scoffs or rolls his eyes at me, I plastered Connor's door with pick-me-up Valentines too!   Ramsey got into the spirit and gave Connor a bunch of his Valentines also.

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