Sunday, February 2, 2020

Carnival/Fun Day!

Friday was certainly a jam-packed day.    At school, parents were invited to come to a Parent University fun day (afternoon).   Kids could wear jerseys of their favorite sports team, in celebration of the upcoming Superbowl.
We played BINGO with Ramsey in the gymnasium (we didn't win - wuh wuhhhh) and then went back to his classroom for more fun interactive games until school dismissed.
From there, we ran a few errands, grabbed some chow at Maverick's, then headed to our church for the Winter Carnival!    The carnival is something Ramsey looks forward to all year long.   After all, it features one his absolute favorite things in the entire world: bouncy castles!

They had the castle below, plus a fun bouncy maze for kids under 7.
Once again, they had the bohemeth castle with the obstacle course and huge slide at the end.   Ramsey had done this one two years ago with no fear.  Last year, they wouldn't allow kids his age to go on it.  This year, he was allowed.  But, he was certainly quite apprehensive about climbing the big ladder wall.
After he made it up the ladder wall and down the super fun slide, he considered himself a pro.  Another little boy was having trouble with the ladder.  Ramsey told him, "Hey, I will show you how to do it!"  He showed the little boy, then cheered him on as he climbed, with "You can do it!  You can do it, Jake!!"  His encouragement for the other little boy (who he didn't even know, just overhead his name) melted my heart!
Ramsey jumped and jumped and jumped and jumped.... for nearly TWO HOURS.  We had to force him to take water breaks.  His poor little face was flushed and he was a little sweat bomb!
When it was time to leave, he was so sad and upset.  He would have stayed and jumped until he passed out!    Good times.

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