Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Proud Puzzle Boy

Auntie Sarah had given this puzzle of the USA to Ramsey a while ago.   I'd helped him put it together a few times before. 
 The other night, after "screen time" had expired, he found the puzzle and told us he was going to do it all by himself!
 Instead of starting with the outside flat pieces of the puzzle, he worked from the East Coast to the West Coast, putting together all of the states together first.  The outer pieces were added last.   Nonetheless, he worked so carefully and thoughtfully and found it to be a fun challenge.
 Quite some time had lapsed from start to finish.  When he got done, he insisted that I take his picture and post it on the blog.  He was so proud that he was able to put all of these odd-shaped pieces together.  And, while he was doing it, he read aloud all of the states' names and their capitals.

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