Monday, April 27, 2020

Happy Biking on a Sunny Day

ITCHING to get outside on a sunny day (that finally wasn't too windy), this momma decided it was time to get out the bike. 

Ramsey is six, but to date, he's never really "taken" to his bike.  He loves his trike, but the bike... eh, not so much.   I started him on the cement parking pad.  Then, I took him down to the dead end where it's a little flatter so he could practice.  Much of his issue with the bike is the hilly area - he fears he will "fall off the cliffs" (we have some steep ditches).  And, we finally now have a paved road vs. gravel, so that helps subside his fears a little.
He was doing really well, but wanted Mom to hang on for a long time.  He finally got going on his own and was trucking down the road.
 I hope that one of these days he'll want to go ride and have some fun, not just spend 15 minutes and then be done.
Sidenote: This Tonka bike used to be Connor's.  Then, it was passed down to Isaac.  Now, it's Ramsey's! 

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