Monday, April 13, 2020

Happy Easter!

Easter 2020.... soooooo unconventional this year due to the nasty COVID-19 virus that's left us self-isolating for the most part.   We didn't travel North to see family and partake in the much-anticipated Easter Egg Hunt at Nana and Bumpa's.     We didn't wake up early to dress up in fancy Easter outfits, complete with frills or bowties and suspenders.   We didn't go out for a big Sunday brunch.  We didn't attend a formal church service.

The core mean of Easter isn't about dressing up, overeating too much delicious food, nor is it even about attending church or traveling to see loved ones.  It is about many things, to include those wonderful aforementioned.  But, it's about Jesus, our Lord and Savior, rising from the tomb.   "He has Risen!"
Though this Easter was atypical, we incorporated some of the fun and modern parts of Easter, plus the deep biblical ones as well. 

The Easter Bunny came to visit.    Ramsey woke Connor up for Easter egg hunting, but when Connor wasn't upstairs quickly (teenagers are sluggish to rise!), he started the party without him, finding eggs in all sorts of strange places. 
Bunny ears were required, but they soon fell to the wayside.
The Easter bunny proved to have a sense of humor.
 Ramsey had found the baskets for each of the boys, plus a letter for the boys from "Harry" the Easter Bunny.   
 He was so excited, he was bobbing up and down, nearly unable to control his emotions.
Until Connor got upstairs to participate in the scavenger hunt, Ramsey was only allowed to read the letter from Harry.
 Connor then read the letter and the first clue for the hunt.
Clue #1:  "I'm in your lower level, in a room that is blue.   I flip up, I flip down.   Better wash your hands after you touch me... or Mom will give you a frown."
The additional clues lead to the closet...
One of the Lazy Susan cupboards...
 The washing machine....
 The downstairs couch... 
And they found the "bountiful" Easter Baskets in the lower level general closet.
Harry left them all kinds of candy, plus art supplies and markers.
 After "the hunt", we all plopped down on the couch and watched our church's streaming video online.
 After a while, we dyed Easter eggs in "tie dye" style.   Both boys were dipping away and making their creations.
 Some of the eggs turned out pretty cool for such a simple process (we certainly didn't do anything too fancy).   These fancy bad boys will soon be transformed into deviled eggs.
Switching gears, I had to share a picture of our Roomba that got gussied-up for the holiday.
Unfortunately, two sets of bunny ears were sacrificed in this gag.
Eric owes us!!! lol
 When Connor slipped away downstairs to game with his friends online, Ramsey and Daddy built The Empire State Building out of magna blocks and tiles.
We certainly missed our family!  But, we made the time to call grandparents to wish them well.  
 Next year, I'm sure everything will be "back to normal" and more of us will be together.
Happy Easter, everyone!   

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