Monday, April 6, 2020

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday.... a day when I feel we should really be in church to celebrate the meaning of the day; Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem while believers placed palm branches in his path.   Since we couldn't drive to church, we celebrated at home and enjoyed family time.

Palm Sunday church service online (in our jammies)?  Check!

Making Oreo-laced Rice Krispie treats?   Check!
Eating a TON of the ooey gooey snacks thereafter? CHECK, CHECK!
Talking to parents and friends on the phone?  Check!

Painting an Easter "stained glass" picture on our front glass storm door?  Check!
This project actually didn't take me very long - maybe a few hours.  I used acrylic paints that I had and added some dish soap to ensure its "washability".  Hopefully it comes off as easily as it went on!

While I painted, Ramsey played on his play set and Eric casted jigs to try to catch us supper.  The wind curbed the success of the fishing, unfortunately, making it challenging and a bit too chilly.
If you're wondering about Connor, he had to work at Qdoba, so he was MIA until about 5:30 PM!
Taking a relaxing walk on the beautiful lake trail by the house?  Check! 
It was a little windy and the trail was soft and muddy in areas, but we desperately needed to get outside!
We rounded off the day with a Zoom call with Eric's side of the family - a new Sunday tradition!  And, it was Bernie's birthday, so we sang Happy Birthday via video.

I normally don't "run around" a lot or go to many social events.  Sunday church and grocery shopping are my mainstays (and typically just enough for me to get my "social fix").  With times being so chaotic, we are trying to find ways to GET OUT and stay sane!   Thankfully Spring is coming and the sun is starting to shine. 

When this is over, we're going to celebrate with a night out to eat and have a date night to shoot some pool!  Hallelujah, I cannot wait!

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