Sunday, July 19, 2020

Another Big Storm

This summer, it proves difficult to have a simple nice rain.  If we've had rain, 75% of the time, it is accompanied with 80 mph wind gusts, thunder, massive amounts of lightning, and even hail.

Last Friday evening was no different.   Winds picked up and blew wildly.   Although there was no rain, this storm was crazy.   Our house actually "hummed".   The windows and doors vibrated and shuddered.   The attic access panel actually got sucked up and moved into the ceiling.  
On Saturday morning, we went outside to assess the damage.  We found a number of issues that would need to be addressed.  First, [we knew] our black mulch would be problematic.  Most of it had been blown away and will need to be replaced.   (again)

There were branches everywhere too, of course.  Then, when I walked down by the shoreline, I saw this:
 One of our neighbors' beautiful mature pine trees had uprooted and fell onto our lake shed!  The winds were from the east and wreaked much havoc!
An adjuster will come soon (once the tree has been removed) to assess the damage to the shed, plus any damage that may have have incurred onto our roofs.    

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