Friday, July 17, 2020

Comet "Neowise"

The comet blew past the sun and is now headed toward "the outer ring" of the solar system.  It measures approximately 3 miles across (considered quite a large comet) and it is said to be visible to the naked eye (but a pair of binoculars or a telescope could certainly improve the sighting!).

It's said to be the brightest comet in over 23 years (since Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997).  For the duration between July 14th and 19th, it will be visible in the northwest sky, about "three fists below" the big dipper.

We've been searching for it, but neighboring lampposts and yard lights are very bright, thus impeding a miraculous view.  We will, however, keep on the look-out!

Later in the month, Comet F6 Lemmon should also be within viewable distances as well!

Update: We weren't able to see it!  Dang!!!!

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