Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Feels Like Spring

Monday was another beautiful day, with a high of 50°.  It was a little breezy, so it felt chilly!

After Ramsey completed his reading/writing homework, he went outside to play.  I joined him a bit later.  

Ramsey pulled out his Stomp Rocket, the dog's ball thrower, some pool noodles (why? to "whack tree limbs", he said), and the sidewalk chalk.  
Ramsey drew a cute little picture of him and me, next to a tree and underneath a smiling sunshine.  So cute.  We drew flowers, balloons, people, paths, and birds.
Ramsey was quite pleased with the "red cheverolet with super speed" that he drew.
After we had finished, Ramsey connected all of the chalk drawings and made it into an obstacle course.  We went from hopping, jumping, skipping, and turning about.  I got a few steps in (and we had to keep moving to stay warm!).
We're really starting to get SPRING FEVER!

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