Friday, March 25, 2022

SOARing Lincoln Light

WARNING: Momma's bragging rights. 

 Since school started, Ramsey had a goal to achieve a "Lincoln Light" acknowledgment/award at school.   Lincoln Lights are given randomly (and seldomly) to kids in the elementary, preschool through 5th Grade.  

This afternoon, Eric and I both received calls from Ramsey's school principal, informing us that Ramsey had been chosen as a SOARing Lincoln Light!  She was delighted to give us the news and gave us accolades about Ramsey.   We were so proud!

Ramsey received a T-shirt from the principal, Mrs. G, and will also have his picture and name on the Lincoln Light school bulleting board for the remainder of the school year.

Lincoln Light Students are chosen for merits via academically, positive engagement with classmates (leadership, assisting others, being a good friend), etc.  
Ramsey was very pleased with himself.  Since school started, he's collected his random SOAR slips, Star Student achievement card, SOARing Student Award, and now the SOARing Lincoln Light.  
These are definitely amoung his very treasured items.  Good job, Ramsey!

When Ramsey got off the bus, he showed us his Lincoln Light award and the picture Mrs. G took at the photo op wall.  He actually was nominated and had the award in November.   He just didn't receive the affirmation until now, as the Lincoln Light shirts were apparently back-ordered and just came in. 
He had received the war for sharing knowledge with the class, being a good friend, and giving the class pop-its.  For the pop-its, Ramsey wanted to show his class that he was thankful for them (right before Thanksgiving break).  He completed extra chores so he could save up enough money to buy the gifts.

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